Upcoming or Current Litters

Please check back often to stay updated on current and upcoming litters. We will be sharing our updates including the number of available puppies. As reservations and deposits are received the number of available puppies will decrease. We are glad to put you on a waiting list in case a reservation falls through. Once you are on the waiting list we will contact you regarding the deposit and contract if/when a puppy becomes available.

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Update July 12th, 2024

Update: July 12th, 2024 Raphael has said goodbye to his three siblings and is getting some well deserved down time. He'll be getting some one-on-one attention from his parents that's for sure!

Update July 11th, 2024

Update: July 11th, 2024 Raphael (Raphie) has been doing great hanging out with his mom and dad but is really looking forward to being part of a new pack. Please call or email if you have any questions including delivery options. We'd really like to see this little guy get to his furever home soon. Remember, he's been vaccinated, dewormed, dew claws have been removed and he is microchipped. He's ready! Are you?

Update July 3rd, 2024

Update: August 3rd, 2024 - Raphie has left for his furever home. We are so excited that all four littermates live in Humboldt County. We'll have to meet at a local park for a family reunion! The pups and parents would have a great time. We are available via phone or email if you have any questions on future litters. We're hoping to have reservations and deposits for at least 3 puppies before committing to another litter. As always, puppies will be available for ground delivery up and down the North Coast. We prefer that the puppies do not travel alone via airline. Please contact us if you are interested in a spring delivery!

Update July 2nd, 2024

Update: July 2nd, 2024 We are getting absolutely pawwwsitive reviews from Bub Bud Junior's and Mr. Green Bean's new owners. They look like they are having a great time at their new home. Ronin and Raphael (Raphie) are waiting for you to come by and fall in love!

Update June 27th, 2024

Update: June 27th Mr. Green Bean and Bud Bud Junior are pretty comfortable knowing they are going to their fur-ever home together! Sweet dreams you two!

Update Update June 20th, 2024

This is the final family photo as the puppies are eight weeks old and are ready to go to their fur-ever homes. The puppies have come a long way from their first photo on April 25th when they were born. Scroll down to see their beginning.

Update June 13th, 2024

It really is a dog's life! At seven weeks old these brothers are having a lot of fun in the sun! Can't you see one running into your life?

Update June 6th, 2024

The puppies are enjoying their time outside exploring and even getting a chance for some water fun. The puppy with the yellow collar has been named Bud Bud Junior after Buddy, his father, who also likes to stare into your eyes and even try to lick your ears. Raphie, the puppy wearing the red collar pairs off with Bud Bud Junior quite a bit-they are the two smallest. The puppy with the green collar is being called Mr. Green Bean-he hangs out with Ronin, the puppy with the blue collar. Roniin seems like a born leader.. They have been dewormed and have had their first vaccinations. Our pups are growing up!

Available June 20th, 2024

Update May 29th, 2024

At five weeks old our puppies are getting a bunch of exercise, tiring themselves out and then taking long naps. In only three weeks they will be ready for their furever homes!

Available June 20th, 2024

Update May 23rd, 2024

At four weeks old our puppies are beginning to run, walk and roll! They are having a lot of fun exploring their surroundings and interacting with both mom and dad. Pictured together are red and yellow collared boys and then blue and green collared boys. The red collared boy has been named Raphy by our grandson; He has also named the blue collared boy Ronin. Can you help us come up with a name for the yellow and green collared pups?

Available June 20th, 2024

Update May 15th, 2024

At three weeks old our puppies are sleeping and nursing on the regular. They are gaining muscle control and starting to interact with each other and their mother. They are starting to show a slight variation in the white color.

Available June 20th, 2024

Update May 1st, 2024

Available June 20th, 2024

At one week old our four boys have had their dew claws removed and have had their first veterinarian appointment. The whole family is doing great.

Born on Thursday, April 25th, 2024

Available June 20th, 2024

This litter is made up of four boys. So far they are all white, we're waiting to see if any cream/tan/gray shows up on their coats. We'll keep you posted. In the meantime, we are going to let mama settle in but will get some photos up as soon as possible. These puppies will be ready to go to their furever homes on June 20th, 2024.

The Sire

The Dam

Interested in our next litter?

Call 707-496-8339